Hi, I'm Keith.

I’ve Walked in Your Shoes
I was once an overworked, underpaid English teacher, barely scraping by on $27k salary. Burnt out and feeling worthless, I doubted I was qualified for anything else.

I didn’t believe in all that “universe has your back” talk—I thought it was just for the woo-woo crowd. But as I struggled to find a way out, something shifted.

Learning to Trust My Intuition
I started to adjust my approach, open myself to new possibilities, and take decisive action with new, unconventional methods. 

This shift transformed my life.

I went from barely earning anything to commanding a salary more than 7.5 times what I made as a teacher, working at prestigious tech companies like Google, Uber, Meta and DoorDash.

I secured a manager role and quickly advanced to senior leadership, reporting directly to C-suite executives.

A lot of my former colleagues say say "Keith just got lucky". But luck had nothing to do with it—it was about learning how to trust my intuition and taking the right steps on a path less travelled.

Your Journey Starts Now
Now, I’m here to help you make that same leap—by embracing new, unconventional techniques , staying open to change, and taking action by aligning  your career goals with clarity and purpose. Ready to transform your career and life? Let’s do this together.