When Values Speak and Careers Transition

by Keith Anderson  - April 30, 2024

Armed with fresh ideas and a passion for education, I was ready to make a difference in the lives of high school students in Honolulu, Hawaii.

I remember sitting in my classroom on the first day, staring at a sea of faces—some eager, some indifferent. I had a plan: engage them, inspire them, help them see their potential.

Yet, outside the vibrant lessons and student projects, a stack of standardized tests awaited our fate. According to the Hawaii state standards, this was the metric of my success, and theirs, too.

I found that my job, with its measured success on conformity, felt increasingly misaligned with my core values.

This realization brought me unhappiness, but more importantly, it served as a critical insight. This pain wasn’t merely about job dissatisfaction; it was about a deeper, more personal discord. My career path was not reflecting my core values, leading to a profound sense of unhappiness.

But this unhappiness was a gift—it was a clear indicator that something better aligned with my values was waiting for me out there.

The Continuous Search for Balance and Authenticity

As I navigated through various teaching roles, each position underscored the importance of balance and authenticity. The lack of work-life balance became glaringly apparent in higher education, where I was only compensated for classroom time but worked far beyond those hours.

This unsustainable overlap of personal and professional time led me to a pivotal realization: I needed a life outside of work that allowed me to thrive, not just survive.

This journey through the educational field was crucial, but it was also a stepping stone to something that fit even better. I made a significant shift out of education and transitioned into tech companies. This move was transformative. Not only did it offer the work-life balance I had been seeking, but it also surrounded me with like-minded individuals who valued innovation and continuous learning as much as I did.

Embracing Change in the Tech Industry

In the tech industry, I found an environment that resonated with my values of imperfection and balance. The dynamic nature of tech, with its constant innovation and problem-solving, aligned well with my belief in the strength of creativity. Here, creative solutions and unique approaches were not just accepted but encouraged.

This career transition into tech also highlighted a crucial lesson: the passion for learning and education doesn’t need to be confined to traditional educational roles. The tech industry, with its emphasis on continuous growth and learning, proved to be an excellent arena for applying my expertise in learning in new and exciting ways. It demonstrated that my drive to learn and teach could thrive outside the conventional boundaries of schools and universities.

Lessons Learned from the Field

Through my career transitions, I’ve learned several key lessons:

Early alignment with values eases transitions: Understanding and aligning your career with your core values from the start can make transitions smoother. For me, learning this came from experiencing roles that felt fundamentally wrong, which paradoxically taught me about what feels right.

Discomfort signals important insights: That feeling of being out of place isn’t just an emotional response; it’s a critical insight. It tells you something essential about your needs and desires. This internal signal is worth listening to—it often points you toward necessary changes.

Change usually means improvement: My shifts, from teaching to tech, though initially uncomfortable, led to significantly better situations. The discomfort of change is temporary, but the benefits of a role that aligns with your values can last a lifetime.

Life doesn’t have to be figured out all at once: The immense pressure I put on myself during my high school and college years to have my life completely planned out was unnecessary. Life’s journey is not meant to be linear. It twists, turns, and presents opportunities to learn and grow in unexpected ways.

Moving Forward with Values

If you’re currently feeling stuck or unsure about your path, take a moment to reflect.

  • What are your core values?
  • How can these values define you, and how can they guide your career choices?

Understanding and integrating our core values into our career decisions doesn’t just lead to more satisfactory job outcomes. It shapes a more fulfilling and authentic life. Each decision made in alignment with our values builds a foundation for a life lived not just with success but with meaning.

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